Political Science has affected me more than I ever thought. I never had an interest in political science, but thanks to blogs, soap boxes, and debates, the class flowed easily and caught my interest. The class resembled that of a college course, which gave me more experience with what to expect in college.
This semester was also very important due to the presidential election. I learned more than I ever could've by myself about our two presidential candidates, and found myself more interested in the presidential campaign ever before.
As I go into Economy, I will bring my knowledge of Political Science with me. It has been an amazing learning experience.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
The 2008 Presidential Election
"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer." - President Barack Obama.
The election is finally over, and Democrat Barack Obama is declared the next president of the United States of America. For the first time in American history, an African American is going to lead the country. More than just ethnicity, Obama has impacted the Republican party and the youth vote in certain matters.
The electoral results suggested that the Republican party should be more (in the best way to put it) like "Democrats". As times change, so do the views of the American people. The public is no longer amenable to the traditional Republican message of lower taxes and limited government in an age of economic insecurity. Abandoning certain conservative principles would boost up the popularity for Republicans, for the "era of small government is over".
Young voters, especially those around the age of 18, have a massive importance on the election. They know much more about the future society than middle aged and elderly citizens do. Whoever the young audiences vote for give political leaders an idea of what they are seeking from the government. As time continues, traditions change which causes a change in political views. The ethnicity barrier and the barrier between straights and gays is becoming thinner and thinner, as evidence shown by states legalizing gay marriage and Obama being elected as president.
Technology has also provided information on both candidates. Each presidential candidate has their own website promoting their election. This is an astounding way to give the American people information on the two candidates and have better insight on who to vote for. The election was completely modernized, and a great success in the long run.
The election is finally over, and Democrat Barack Obama is declared the next president of the United States of America. For the first time in American history, an African American is going to lead the country. More than just ethnicity, Obama has impacted the Republican party and the youth vote in certain matters.
The electoral results suggested that the Republican party should be more (in the best way to put it) like "Democrats". As times change, so do the views of the American people. The public is no longer amenable to the traditional Republican message of lower taxes and limited government in an age of economic insecurity. Abandoning certain conservative principles would boost up the popularity for Republicans, for the "era of small government is over".
Young voters, especially those around the age of 18, have a massive importance on the election. They know much more about the future society than middle aged and elderly citizens do. Whoever the young audiences vote for give political leaders an idea of what they are seeking from the government. As time continues, traditions change which causes a change in political views. The ethnicity barrier and the barrier between straights and gays is becoming thinner and thinner, as evidence shown by states legalizing gay marriage and Obama being elected as president.
Technology has also provided information on both candidates. Each presidential candidate has their own website promoting their election. This is an astounding way to give the American people information on the two candidates and have better insight on who to vote for. The election was completely modernized, and a great success in the long run.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
McCain - Palin 2008 Blog Recent Activity

Throughout this past week, the presidential election has grown more heated and tense. As a result to this, the McCain-Palin 2008 blog has provided information with positive aspects about McCain and what he will do to serve the country. Advertisements of the campaign have been posted on specific blog entries, providing information that strikes Obama as an enemy. One of the most recent advertisements, hosted by youtube, is provided below.
The prime issue on the economy has been highlighted by both McCain and Obama. An entry posted on 10/12/08 gives a description on McCain's tactics to solving this domestic problem. He also shows that Obama's policies will be used incorrectly, and therefore will result in "making matters worse". McCain states below:
"My fellow Americans, Washington is on the wrong track, and even greater financial troubles lay ahead if we don't act quickly. The tax-and-spend policies of Barack Obama will only make matters worse. But if you give me the chance, I'm going to set it right. You don't have to hope that things will change when you vote for me. You know things will change, because I've been fighting for change in Washington my whole career. I've been fighting for you my whole life. That's what I'm going to do as President of the United States. Fight for you and put the government back on the side of the people."
Articles embedded into the posts explaining how the former Clinton Administration endorses John McCain for president are posted as a method of attracting democratic voters, especially those who were in support of Senator Hillary Clinton.
The article can be found here: http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/News/OpEds/Read.aspx?guid=dbd0e484-caf6-47eb-9f5a-7db148f70141
When the debate the previous night came and went, posts declared that McCain won the debate hands down. Attached to the posts is a link to the debate central ( http://www.johnmccain.com/content/default.aspx?guid=ee13c3ce-e239-45dd-80bd-7123ad9bcb45 ) where detailed information is described about what famous critics and ordinary citizens say about the debate. A forum is also posted below the blog entries to allow readers to post their opinions on the debate.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
McCain - Palin 2008 Blog
1. Provide a brief description of the blog and a text hyperlink to the blog.
JohnMcCain.com - McCain-Palin 2008
This blog, attached to the official site of John McCain, follows the campaign directly and descriptively. The blog displays McCain-Palin community events, advertisements promoting John McCain, and statements on radio and/or television. The most recent posts focus on television campaign ads hosted by youtube. As the campaign grows more intense and heated between Barack Obama and John McCain, more blog entries are posted to keep fresh updates to videos and speeches that promote John McCain. Featured posts are off to the right of the blog, showing videos of Palin and McCain giving important speeches to promote their campaign and focus on important issues they will strive to fix.
2. How does this "professional" blog differ from blogs you have taken a look at up to this point?
The "professional" standpoint of this blog allows McCain-Palin followers to have a closer view of the campaign. It helps moderate citizens who are considering both Obama and McCain to discover McCain's strengths, and Obama's weaknesses. The site has a completely serious standpoint, lacking humor and immaturity, and allows American citizens themselves to comment on the selected post, giving their own political opinion and compliments. The blog keeps followers and considering citizens up-to-date with positive McCain-Palin activities.
3. Take a specific issue presented in the blog, describe how that issue is presented, and provide your own response.
One of the most recent posts, posted at 12:43 PM on 10/2/2008, attacks Biden on what he may say during the Vice Presidential debate on October 2, 2008 (tonight). Any Debate between two opposing characters is an issue that must be taken seriously and cautiously between the political activists. Both parties are struggling to attack one another, winning popular demand by their citizens and viewers. The video tagged onto the post, titled "Embarrass", shows the viewers that Biden has no idea "what he is talking about". The makers of the video also proclaim Biden stated Hillary would've been a better running mate, making the watchers think twice about Biden's self-esteem upon himself. The American people want a vice president that is completely sure of himself and is ready to lead alongside the president, and the republican party will stop at nothing to show Biden is not that type of person. During the Vice Presidential Debate, the two "pitbulls" (Biden and Palin) will be going face to face, stating their opinions on solving issues without shocking the audience.
JohnMcCain.com - McCain-Palin 2008
This blog, attached to the official site of John McCain, follows the campaign directly and descriptively. The blog displays McCain-Palin community events, advertisements promoting John McCain, and statements on radio and/or television. The most recent posts focus on television campaign ads hosted by youtube. As the campaign grows more intense and heated between Barack Obama and John McCain, more blog entries are posted to keep fresh updates to videos and speeches that promote John McCain. Featured posts are off to the right of the blog, showing videos of Palin and McCain giving important speeches to promote their campaign and focus on important issues they will strive to fix.
2. How does this "professional" blog differ from blogs you have taken a look at up to this point?
The "professional" standpoint of this blog allows McCain-Palin followers to have a closer view of the campaign. It helps moderate citizens who are considering both Obama and McCain to discover McCain's strengths, and Obama's weaknesses. The site has a completely serious standpoint, lacking humor and immaturity, and allows American citizens themselves to comment on the selected post, giving their own political opinion and compliments. The blog keeps followers and considering citizens up-to-date with positive McCain-Palin activities.
3. Take a specific issue presented in the blog, describe how that issue is presented, and provide your own response.
One of the most recent posts, posted at 12:43 PM on 10/2/2008, attacks Biden on what he may say during the Vice Presidential debate on October 2, 2008 (tonight). Any Debate between two opposing characters is an issue that must be taken seriously and cautiously between the political activists. Both parties are struggling to attack one another, winning popular demand by their citizens and viewers. The video tagged onto the post, titled "Embarrass", shows the viewers that Biden has no idea "what he is talking about". The makers of the video also proclaim Biden stated Hillary would've been a better running mate, making the watchers think twice about Biden's self-esteem upon himself. The American people want a vice president that is completely sure of himself and is ready to lead alongside the president, and the republican party will stop at nothing to show Biden is not that type of person. During the Vice Presidential Debate, the two "pitbulls" (Biden and Palin) will be going face to face, stating their opinions on solving issues without shocking the audience.
Vice Presidential Debate
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Photoshop Disasters/Gorillaz
I have been following this blog for the past 6 months, and I find the posts to be absolutely hilarious. The site points out photoshop errors, from minor to major, and follows it with sarcastic comments to add comedy directed to the oblivious photo manipulator. Some errors they discover come from presently used banners that are used on mainstream magazines and internet aids. The blog is simply for entertainment purposes, but also shows the example that no one is perfect. I am a huge fan of this blog, and plan to follow it as the months continue.
I have been a fan of the Gorillaz for almost a decade. I enjoy listening to their unique music and their creative instrumentals. The four group members (2D, Noodle, Russel, and Murdoc) were declared one of the best bands in England, and they don't even exist. The creators of the animated band are singer Damon Albarn (Lead singer of Blur) and animator Jamie Hewlett (creator of Tank Girl, a famous comic in England). I love keeping tabs on the "band's" personal lives, and listening to remixes/new songs created by the Gorillaz or other well-known musicians. They don't plan on making a new album any time soon, but I am still a dedicated fan to their music. The current livejournal blog has moved to their own website (http://gorillaz-unofficial.com) and has actually been praised by both Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. The blog is an excellent reference to find the latest Gorillaz news, and has my approval indeed.
I have been following this blog for the past 6 months, and I find the posts to be absolutely hilarious. The site points out photoshop errors, from minor to major, and follows it with sarcastic comments to add comedy directed to the oblivious photo manipulator. Some errors they discover come from presently used banners that are used on mainstream magazines and internet aids. The blog is simply for entertainment purposes, but also shows the example that no one is perfect. I am a huge fan of this blog, and plan to follow it as the months continue.
I have been a fan of the Gorillaz for almost a decade. I enjoy listening to their unique music and their creative instrumentals. The four group members (2D, Noodle, Russel, and Murdoc) were declared one of the best bands in England, and they don't even exist. The creators of the animated band are singer Damon Albarn (Lead singer of Blur) and animator Jamie Hewlett (creator of Tank Girl, a famous comic in England). I love keeping tabs on the "band's" personal lives, and listening to remixes/new songs created by the Gorillaz or other well-known musicians. They don't plan on making a new album any time soon, but I am still a dedicated fan to their music. The current livejournal blog has moved to their own website (http://gorillaz-unofficial.com) and has actually been praised by both Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. The blog is an excellent reference to find the latest Gorillaz news, and has my approval indeed.
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Dumbest Generation?
Mark Baurelein, author of "The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future", gives a strong viewpoint on how currently America subjects themselves to luxuries such as Internet, MP3 Players, and Video Games. These luxuries continuously deprive people, specifically students ranging from preschool to college, from books and other forms of knowledge. Books and Newspapers to the present human mind are out of date, yet they are the most reliable source of information. The Internet does not always supply legitimate information to provide a student plausible facts for history or current events. A perfect example is Wikipedia, which can be edited or rearranged by absolutely anyone. Recently, a students' bibliography for projects revolves around Wikipedia. Moderators keep watch of false information; however, they may catch the gimmick a bit too late. I personally believe teachers should be on the look out for sites such as these, and warn their students beforehand to not always believe what they discover on the Internet. The more teachers teach about technology itself, the better understanding students will have on what to trust and distrust.
It is astonishing what this country has come to in technology. The industrial boom has circullated the globe, from iPods to Navigational Systems that can speak to you fluently. Technology can teach a single generation that anything is possible, and admiring these genius inventors may create an even more luxurious lifestyle for that future generation.
It is extremely complicating to say if our generation is, in fact, the dumbest generation. Will our generation become lazy off of our own creations? Or will we strive to become better than our ancestors in inventions and luxuries? I believe that our generation's "IQ" depends on who is willing to stand up and take the future to a whole new perspective. The people who completely submit all energy to luxuries will perish. The people who work hard for their money, afford luxuries and appreciate what this amazing country has provided will survive. This world is based on survival of the fittest, and whoever takes that lead and takes care of themselves will make our future different for the better, or for the worst. Time will tell.
It is astonishing what this country has come to in technology. The industrial boom has circullated the globe, from iPods to Navigational Systems that can speak to you fluently. Technology can teach a single generation that anything is possible, and admiring these genius inventors may create an even more luxurious lifestyle for that future generation.
It is extremely complicating to say if our generation is, in fact, the dumbest generation. Will our generation become lazy off of our own creations? Or will we strive to become better than our ancestors in inventions and luxuries? I believe that our generation's "IQ" depends on who is willing to stand up and take the future to a whole new perspective. The people who completely submit all energy to luxuries will perish. The people who work hard for their money, afford luxuries and appreciate what this amazing country has provided will survive. This world is based on survival of the fittest, and whoever takes that lead and takes care of themselves will make our future different for the better, or for the worst. Time will tell.
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